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Here is one of my favorite “Hooks”  Listen to the very first thing she says.  This grabs the audience’s attention and that is the main purpose of a hook.  

A couple caveats:

She is at a Ted Talk and the audience is there voluntarily – that helps.

This style, may not work for smaller meetings or for certain audiences


You should try to come up with a hook that is appropriate for the meeting/culture/topic/audience.

Remember; this is your very first line.  If you can avoid “ok, let’s get started” even better.

The overused but still effective – using a number like the “5 best…”:  “we found 3 bugs that need immediate attention”

“The roll out worked and here’s why”

“We need additional resources in (pick a city or dept, etc)”

“We got a big break yesterday”

“We need to fix monthly reporting right away”.

Questions can be good.

“What was the key to the revenue growth last quarter”

“Give me a reason why op expenses dropped”

“The release was delayed. Who can tell me why”.

Hooks work best if they are 1st without any intro but like all guidelines with public speaking and presenting there aren’t absolutes.  Make the effort to craft a good HOOK.

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